Thursday, August 24, 2017

Player Profile: Josh Nunes - Treasure Coast High School

John Nunes - Treasure Coast High School

"He has big talent on both the soccer and football fields.  He's a strong academic performer as well and gets along well with his peers.

- Jerrime Bell

Assistant Football Coach
Treasure Coast High School


Joshua Nunes


Treasure Coast High school

Current Grade:


Unweighted GPA:


What Sport(S) Do You Play?:

Football and Soccer

What Position(s) Do You Play?:

Kicker and Goalie

What is your favorite subject?:


What are your top 5 college choices?:

UF, Ohio State, UCF,  Alabama, Wake Forest
If you could spend the day with anyone in the world who would it be? Why?:

David de Gea because he is a GREAT goalie and a good person, he's my idol.

If you could be anyone in the world who would you be? Why?:

Cristiano Ronaldo he is so successful in life.

Would winning the Powerball change your life? Why or why not?:

Yes I would be able to help others.

Outside of a family member who do you admire most? Why?:

God without him nothing is possible.

What five words best describe you?:

Competitive - Smart - Athletic - Caring and Fun Loving

What are your future goals?:

A professional football or soccer player - or who knows - maybe both!